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Referral Partners

Start building a passive income source with Promedica24

Joining the Promedica24 Referral Partners Network

Joining the Promedica24 Referral Partners Network

Promedica24 rewards successful introductions that become active Live-in care clients. Rewards can be agreed as payments, donations or sponsorships depending on your circumstances. There is a day one and week 12 payment available as well as a regular weekly payment, paid monthly in arrears, throughout the term of every introduced active Live-in care contract, whilst it is in force. The payments can be directed either to you personally, your business or your chosen cause.

As a referral partner, Promedica24 will provide you with access to marketing material and collateral and support you personally as you develop your portfolio of introductions.

    Contact us now to learn more about franchise opportunities with Promedica24

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    Referral Partners
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